
Alania Black


Domestic UnBliss


Title: Gravity
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Warnings: teeth rotting fluff
Summary: It was a supreme struggle to sit there, still, feeling tortured and on the edge of moving as they watched the girl battle an age-old opponent.
Author’s Note: Another fic in the Domestic UnBliss series.


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Title: Melaa
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Warnings: Slightly darker, OC character death
Summary: Neither of them had asked to be adoptive parents to a baby girl, but if Celo had taught them nothing else, he’d taught them the value of teamwork and a strong family bond.
At least this time, John thought with satisfaction, Rodney got to be Mommy.
Author’s Note: Another fic in the Domestic UnBliss series.


Continue reading “Melaa”


Title: Precedent
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Summary: To be fair, John had been the first to bring home a ‘stray’.
Author’s Note: Another fic in the Domestic UnBliss series.


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Title: Loneliness
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Summary: Rodney had never felt lonely before, but now it was getting harder to come to his quiet, sterile quarters and leave John and Celo behind.
Author’s Note: A bonus story for the fic Celo.


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Celo Chapter Two

Title: Celo
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Warnings: Tiny bit of car/pedestrian related trauma, no one gets really hurt
Summary: “‘Uh, a little… help?’ John asked weakly, head poking up from a tangle of tentacles and an oddly shaped little body.” – in which John and Rodney accidentally adopt an undersized cephalopod, and somehow fall in love along the way.

Chapter Two

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Celo Chapter One

Title: Celo
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Warnings: Tiny bit of car/pedestrian related trauma, no one gets really hurt
Summary: “‘Uh, a little… help?’ John asked weakly, head poking up from a tangle of tentacles and an oddly shaped little body.” – in which John and Rodney accidentally adopt an undersized cephalopod, and somehow fall in love along the way.

Chapter One

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